Reimagining a global humanitarian report for the United Nations.

About the Project
For each of the last 35 years, the United Nations has published the Human Development Report (HDR) to measure global well-being across different societies and economies. But starting in 2019, they decided to break away from the traditional print format and enlist Terra's help building custom, highly sharable online versions that would exponentially increase reach and engagement.

Our Team
Meet the people who translate pressing global issues into inspiring digital experiences.
Remy Bernstein
Managing Partner

Andrés Clúa
Director of Technology

Amaia Del Olmo
Frontend Lead

María Dieste
Technology & Operations Manager

Alma Hortelano
UX/UI Designer

Mercedes Lorenzo
Creative Director

Eli Pérez
Backend Developer

Accessible from Anywhere
More than a third of the global population doesn't have access to reliable broadband internet. And while the digital HDRs offer far greater access than their print counterparts, designing them like a traditional website would ostracize key stakeholders. Recognizing this key hurdle, our team made the necessary strategic adjustments to core UX and UI elements to guarantee functionality in low-bandwidth environments and ensure the reports reached their intended worldwide audience.

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